Coffee Cake Recipe
This easy coffee cake is delicious, buttery, and rich in coffee flavor.
Ingredients:Cake Batter
Ingredients:Coffee Icing
- Mix instant coffee with hot water and let it cool down.
- Beat egg whites until foamy. Once they are ready keep it aside until use.
- In a separate bowl, beat butter and sugar until creamy.
- Add egg yolks one by one into butter mixture and beat.
- Add vanilla and prepared coffee.
- Mix flour with baking powder and gradually add flour mixture into the butter mixture.
- Finally, gently fold beaten egg whites with the batter.
- Pour cake batter into a baking tray and bake the cake around 35mins under 180C in a pre-heated oven.
- To make coffee icing, mix coffee with hot water and let it cool down.
- Beat butter until it becomes pale in color. Mix half of the icing sugar with butter.
- Once icing sugar mixed well with butter add prepared coffee into this. Add rest of the icing sugar too.
- Divide the cake into two parts by cutting the cake horizontally from the middle. Sandwich these cake parts by using coffee icing.
- After that cover the whole cake with icing. Then you can decorate the cake as you want.
- You can sprinkle some chopped cashew on top the cake to make it look nice.