French Chocolate Cake

This French chocolate cake recipe is pretty much like the lave cake recipe I made earlier. The only difference is we bake this cake bit more time in a large pan. So, the interior of the cake is not runny anymore.


  • Eggs – 04
  • Salted Butter – 150g
  • Semi-Sweet Chocolate – 200g
  • Sugar – 135g
  • Vanilla – 01 tsp
  • All-purpose Flour – 60g
  • Icing Sugar
  • How to cook:

  • Melt butter and chocolate in a microwave. After melting let it cool down to room temperature.
  • In a separate bowl, beat eggs and sugar until it becomes thick and pale in color.
  • Mix vanilla extract into the egg mixture.
  • After that add flour and mix well to combine.
  • Pour the batter into a 20x5cm (8x2”) round baking tray and bake the cake around 25 – 30 mins under 180C in a pre-heated oven.
  • After baking let it cool down a bit and then sprinkle some icing sugar on top.
  • Enjoy…
  • French Chocolate Cake
    French Chocolate Cake
    French Chocolate Cake
    French Chocolate Cake
    French Chocolate Cake
    French Chocolate Cake


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