Marie Biscuit Pudding
Marie Biscuit Pudding is a very tasty pudding unique to Sri Lanka. This pudding can be made from very few ingredients.
Ingredients:Biscuit Pudding
- Marie Biscuits – 350g
- Margarine – 120g
- Icing Sugar – 260g
- Fresh Milk – 1 ½ cups
- Cocoa Powder – 2 ½ tbsp
- Vanilla – 01 tsp
- Instant Coffee – 01 tsp
Ingredients:Chocolate Ganache
- Dard Chocolate – 300g
- Margarine – 100g
- Heat milk with coffee. After heating pour it to a different jar and let it cool down completely.
- Sieve icing sugar. After sieving, add margarine to icing sugar and beat until creamy.
- Add vanilla and cocoa powder.
- Get the pudding bowl and apply some icing to the bottom of the bowl.
- Dip biscuits one by one in milk and keep on the bowl. Here make sure your milk is completely cool down. Otherwise it’ll melt the icing.
- On top of biscuits apply another layer of icing. Again, keep a biscuit layer on the icing layer. Repeat this until all biscuits and icing are over.
- After making all layers, melt chocolate with margarine to make a chocolate ganache. Then pour this chocolate ganache to the top of the pudding.
- Refrigerate this pudding around 04-05 hours or until further set.
- Serve cold and enjoy.