Tasty Vibara Recipe
The name “Vibara” may not be very familiar to you. Some of you may not even heard this food. Try this easy and delicious recipe at home. This will be a great new experience for you.
- Sieve flour very well around 02-03 times.
- Roast flour a bit under medium heat.
- Mix coconut milk with salt and egg.
- Add coconut milk little by little to flour and mix. It needs to do this while heat is still there in flour.
- Knead the dough well until it becomes a soft ball.
- From this dough make flower patterns by using a vibara mould.
- After little time this vibara dough will be dried up. If so, add some more coconut milk and mix again.
- After making flowers it needs to fry them. It doesn’t need to fry them too long. Fry until they become light brown.
- After frying all vibara store them in an air tight container and keep around 05-06 days.
- After that it needs to fry them again. After frying them for the second time these flower patterns will look nice.
- Then it needs to make the sugar syrup. For that, put water and sugar into a pan and stir under medium heat.
- When sugar dissolves add few drops of food coloring.
- Stir this continuously until sugar syrup comes to the correct level.
- When sugar syrup is ready switch off the flame. You can check whether this sugar syrup has come to the correct level by taking small amount to a spoon and pouring it down. If it comes down like a thin line this has come to the correct level.
- Now pour sugar syrup over vibara.
- We can keep this around 02 weeks when stored in an air tight container.