Kids Feeding Challenges
Toddlers eating habits are so different. In some days, they may eat like they haven’t seen foods in many days. But, in some days they may not eat at all. Some experts say that, refusing foods is a part of your child’s power struggle. Refusing foods is one of the very few things that they can control at this stage. Whatever facts are there, for most of the mothers feeding their toddler is a biggest challenge and it is extremely stressful if your child doesn’t eat enough or if he doesn’t eat at all.
There can be many reasons for your child not to eat. If you have a this kind of troubling child closely monitor him and try to understand what cause him not to eat. There are few tricks you can do to encourage your child to eat.
- Play meal time dramas with your child. Imagine a drama and make eating a part of it. Get your child’s active participation for this drama and feed him meanwhile.
- Don’t continue giving the foods he dislikes to eat. Give him the foods he likes initially and gradually introduce other foods.
- Try offering variety of foods. Not only children, we adults also not like to eat same food continuously. It reduces our temptation. When there’s new food with new taste your child will love it.
- Give them food when they are hungry. Don’t force them to eat as per your schedule.
- Don’t give lots of snacks to your child close to a main meal.
- If your child is around two years old, it is common for him not to eat lot. Now they are in the snail pace of his development and small quantity of food is enough to fulfill their food requirement. Understand this fact and give him small quantities of food with enough nutrition.
- Let your toddler feed himself. This way your toddler will experience a little Independence which is more important for that little mind to feel great.
- Don’t argue or bargain with your toddler in the meal time. If you do so, it will ultimately convert into a power struggle. This adds to mealtime tension. Also, it is important not to give sweets as a reward. Always, keep meal time calm, positive and enjoyable.

- Have meal times as family. When he sees other family members eat well and enjoy their meal, your toddler will also follow it.
- If your child doesn’t like some food items don’t take it off from his menu. Try offering that food again and again. Toddlers are reluctant to accept some things in the first time. Later they will accept it in positive way.
- If he rejects meals, don’t fill him up with junk food and sweets. It is important to fill your child’s nutrition requirement than just filling up his tummy.
- Don’t try to emphasize neatness. Children who are allowed to play with their food enjoy their meal than the children who are not allowed to do so. Let your child to do anything with their food. Sometimes, they may drop food, smear bananas and crunch crackers while eating. Don’t try to stop these activities. Here, what your child eats matters a lot than how he eats it. So, nothing to be worry about if your child doesn’t use the folk for eating. They will, when they are ready for that.
- Get your child more involved with food preparation.
- Show images of delicious food while eating.
- Create a pleasant environment for eating. Create attractive foods arts when offering food to your child.
- Let them to eat from your plate when you are eating. This way they try to eat new foods with you.
Most important thing you have to do here is stay calm and don’t be panic. Don’t try to argue with your child angrily. This wouldn’t help at all. You need to play a key role in shaping your child’s approach to eating. Use your own tricks and feed your child properly.
If your child is continuously refusing food this can be a sign of feeding/eating disorders. Many children with feeding disorders don’t show any sign of hunger and don’t ask for food. This cause extreme weight loss and dehydration. The situation should be treated and well cared.