More things to know about new-born breastfeeding…

As a new mom you have so many problems and things to know about breastfeeding. Although, breastfeeding is a beautiful experience for many it isn’t always easy for first time moms. You may experience all these discomforts in the first two weeks of your delivery. These initial weeks are most important and most challenging. If you don’t properly breastfeed you and your child will be in a big trouble. Here are some more things that you should know about breastfeeding.

Skin-to-skin time

Soon after you are medically stable after your delivery your baby will be given to you. This skin-to-skin time is very crucial for you and your baby. Your first milk (Colostrum) which is thicker than breast milk gives all the nutrients that your baby needs.

Select a comfortable breastfeeding position

If you are a first-time mom breastfeeding may feel complicated until you get used to it. But selecting the best position can help you feel more comfortable. Out of different ways of breastfeeding most of moms select cross-cradle position. The Side-Line position, The Clutch or Football Hold, Cradle Hold, Laid-back breastfeeding, Dangle Feeding are more other positions that you can try. Whatever the position you select make sure you and your baby are comfortable in this selected position. Take your baby closer to your breast rather than taking your breast towards baby. Use more pillows, cushions, or rolled towels to make both of you comfy.

Do I need a lactation consultant?

If your baby struggles to latch or breastfeeding makes you feel more painful you should consult a Lactation Consultant or a breastfeeding specialist. Especially when the baby arrives for the first time those new moms may need support for breastfeeding. Even, before having the delivery, the pregnant mothers can consult these lactation consultants and prepare for breastfeeding. Those consultants can assist you in securing a proper latch and breastfeeding techniques.

Ouch! How do I relieve breast pain?

Sore nipples happen due to poor latch. Therefore, the best solution for that is consulting a lactation consultant.

Breast engorgement is swelling, tightness, and an increase in size of the breasts. Your breasts will become uneasily full and hard when milk comes in. This uncomfortable situation mostly occurs in the early days of breastfeeding. The best way to ease this situation is feed your baby frequently. Moreover, breastfeeding consultants can help you to hand massage your breast and pump to relieve the pressure.

How do I know if I have sufficient milk supply?

Most of first-time mothers have a concern about whether their milk supply is sufficient for the baby. If you have this concern about your supply monitor the number of wet and dirty nappies that your baby produces. Plenty of dirty and wet diapers are an excellent sign of your baby gets enough milk. Breastfeeding is a supply-demand process. The greater the demand greater the supply and vice versa. So, your body knows the exact amount of milk that your baby needs. Most babies release your breast on their own when they are full. Don’t try to overfeed them thinking that your milk supply is not enough. Newborn babies want to feed on demand and, they should be fed throughout day and night. If your newborn sleeps more than 03 hours you should wake them up and breastfeed. During breastfeeding don’t forget to have a healthy meal that helps you to produce more milk.

If your baby doesn’t get enough milk your baby may show these signs.

  • Fewer wet or dirty diapers
  • Crying after breastfeeding
  • Yellow skin
  • Trouble latching or trying to latch longer time
  • Dry lips
  • Inability to stay awake for feeds

Leaking Breasts

Leaking breasts is a very common thing that new moms experience. In the first few weeks most of the time breast milk may leak unpredictably from your nipples. You can wear a breast pad to avoid your clothes get wet with breast milk. Make sure to change these breast pads frequently to prevent an infection. If your baby is not fed recently feed the baby to comfort your leaking breasts.


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